Concorto Film Festival
There are countless Italian film festivals, and though this is not scientifically proven, a vast majority of them probably will have you sit in white monobloc chairs. Those who’ve enjoyed visiting one such festival will know exactly what kind of chairs I’m referring to. The same goes for the Concorto Film Festival, born in Pontenure, a tiny village near Piacenza, just a one-hour train ride from Milan.
After more than twenty years, the Concorto Film Festival has grown to be a landmark festival for the short film format in the country. It’s a perfect opportunity to catch up with what you’ve missed on the circuit so far, as the festival often claims Italian premieres for films that previously screened at big A-list festivals, such as Berlinale and Cannes.
Held during the hot summer months in August, the festival offers big late-night, open-air screenings for their competition blocks at the beautiful Pontenure Parc. It’s truly a scene from a movie: a big screen garnered with a huge bunch of those infamous white monobloc chairs while good food and drinks are being served in the shadows of the trees somewhere behind you.
Text by Niels Putman
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