Reflecting on the lives of dogs, Cecilie Flyger Hansen unlocks the true crux of their relationship with humans: affection can coexist with domination.
An unapologetic coming-of-age tale, La Perra dives straight into the paradoxes of female desire. A lonely and sometimes hurtful experience.
Though devoid of any sound, Asteriòn is an exceptionally visceral and vivid cinematic experience.
Gerard Ortín Castellví mixes his anthropological interests with his creative curiosities and turns his camera towards automated greenhouses in Agrilogistics.
Niki Lindroth von Bahr's Something to Remember portrays the anguish experienced by a highly developed society and its pessimism towards an inevitable demise.
By taking the disembodied point of view of automatic cameras, Naya — Der Wald hat tausend Augen covers an incredible amount of ground, and not only geographically.