Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg
Hardly any festival has such a legendary reputation as Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg (which, by the way, is one of the reasons why the author of these lines has dedicated himself to the short cinematic form). From the lovingly designed festival center, which serves as a much-loved industry meeting place in early June, to the mass film walk A Wall Is A Screen, to the radically ecstatic 35ml bar, a model for uninhibited get-to-know-you rituals.
The festival team around Sven Schwarz and Maike Mia Höhne works hard to live up to this reputation every year, designing a program that often oscillates between hardcore experimentation and popular formats and providing plenty of room for discussion in between. These can sometimes drag on for hours and even nights, especially when the bar is simply far too close. And did I mention that Hamburg is always worth a trip anyway? Anyway, see you at the 35ml bar!
Text by Daniel Hadenius-Ebner
Reading List
Mast-del by Maryam Tafakory
The Smell of Burning Ants by Jay Rosenblatt
Landslide by Daniel Cortés Ramirez
Carlos Pereira on Slimane
Shrooms by Jorge Jácome
Using Home Videos in Documentary Filmmaking
27 by Flóra Anna Buda
The Birthday Party by Francesco Sossai
How Different Sources of Capital Direct Our Personal Agency
Remember How I Used to Ride a White Horse by Ivana Bošnjak Volda Thomas Johnson Volda
Hardly Working by Total Refusal
Flores del otro Patio by Jorge Cadena
Reading List
Alpha Kings by Faye Tsakas Enrique Pedráza-Botero
A Kind of Testament by Stephen Vuillemin
All Tomorrow’s Parties by Zhang Dalei
Daydreaming So Vividly About Our Spanish Holidays by Christian Avilés
Will You Look At Me by Shuli Huang
Reading List
Reading List
One Hundred Steps by Bárbara Wagner Benjamin de Burca
A Present Light by Diogo Costa Amarante
Lemongrass Girl by Pom Bunsermvicha
Curators Choice Programme at Kurzfilm Festival Hamburg
The End of Suffering (A Proposal) by Jacqueline Lentzou
The Unseen River by Phạm Ngọc Lân